April 5, 2024

Ever since our homeschooling days ended I've wanted to create something fun for the homeschooling community in Minnesota but I wasn't quite sure what. There are so many great curriculums and activity books out there already but one thing I feel is missing for kids are nature journals. We created our own when my youngest first started observing birds and then we started using a nature book for adults but I always wished we had something more geared specifically towards Minnesota children so I'm putting together a nature journal page by page for kids that can be used by homeschooling or non home schooling families and it will be in both English and Spanish. 

As we move through the seasons I'll be sharing individual pages for people to download and use and then next year at this time I'll compile all pages into a booklet that can be downloaded as a whole. The nature journal will be only for things native to Minnesota. If you are interested please subscribe to my blog to get alerts for when each page is ready for download.