July 4, 2023

For years I've had people tell me I should try acupuncture but I have a severe needle phobia so I've avoided it. I don't care how tiny the needle is, it's still a needle and just knowing it's being stuck into my skin is enough to make me sweat and worry. 

A few months ago I finally broke down and went for my first treatment. I had such severe anxiety at the time and nothing was helping with the reflux, insomnia, and adrenaline rushes that I thought acupuncture couldn't hurt. I first tried a place in Burnsville. I was amazed at my first session because I didn't feel the needles at all and the rush of energy I felt flowing through my body made me euphoric. I knew right away that I was hooked. My new doctor recently had me try a new acupuncturist in Roseville, one with more knowledge and experience with Chinese medicine, and I'm so glad I switched over to her because she's truly a master at what she does. 

Every time I get a treatment I walk out feeling 100x better than when I went in. I still fear the needles and I cringe every time I have to lay down on the table and be poked but I love the outcome so much I just don't care. I feel the needles more now which is a good sign according to the acupuncturist. My favorite part of each session is feeling the energy flow through my entire body. I use to only feel energy in my hands but now I sense it from my head to my toes. It's calming and healing for sure. 

If you've ever tried acupuncture I'd love to read about your experience. 

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July 3, 2023

My new doctor has a group of people that are part of her healthcare team and so far everyone she has sent me off to see I've been impressed with. My most recent appointment was with a nutritionist. She went over my medical record before meeting with me so she had plans for me the moment we sat down to speak to each other. 

First priority is to find foods I can tolerate and gain weight so she had me experiment with cassava flour today. I've had cassava before in the form of pasta but hadn't eaten it since getting sick again back in December and never worked with the flour. I cooked up two tortillas, added some almond butter and blueberry jam (100% pure fruit) and ate both. It was a nice change from eating the same foods over and over for months. I hope my body handles it well. 

Normally not handling well means becomes abdominal pain, bloating, loose stools, and horrific reflux. Fingers crossed for a good outcome. 

For anyone interested in a gluten free no grain flour alternative, the recipe on the bag is:

3/4 casava flour

1/4 tsp sea salt

2 Tbs olive oil

1/3 cup warm water.

Mix together well and then make six balls. If the consistency is a little dry just add a tiny bit more water. Roll out the balls in between two sheets of parchment paper and place on non stick square griddle pan on medium heat and wait for bubbles to form on each side like you do with a regular flour tortilla. 

The cassava tortilla is close in taste to a flour tortilla but a little more doughy tasting. 

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July 2, 2023

 In 2020 we removed a large portion of our front lawn and today we have just about 1/4 left to remove before it's all gone. We filled the empty space in with 90% native plants and have been very pleased with how it turned out. 

We aren't strangers to replacing non natives with natives. When we moved into our home nearly 16 years ago our entire backyard was buckthorn. It was an extension of the forest into Alimagnet park. Our first year we hired a company to remove all the buckthorn then after that we had to deal with flooding all the time so we had the yard regraded. After the regrading we bought a large sack of native wildflower seeds and spread them all over the backside of the house and within a year we started to see native grasses, goldenrod, Joe pie weed, daisies... Today we have so many natives growing back there I've lost count. The amount of wildlife that loves to be in our yard is what makes me the most happy. Frogs, toads, turtles, fox, rabbits, deer, snakes, wasps, hornets, bumblebees, hummingbirds, butterflies... We now see so many insects that we'd never seen before planting natives. We also stopped raking up our leaves in the fall and that has caused a boom in the firefly population around us. It's truly incredible and very special. 

Some people are surprised to learn that the adults of most firefly species are in fact pollinators. 

The honeybee isn't a native pollinator but it's a pollinator none the less.

Beautiful Monarch butterfly.

The bumblebee has some pollen on her legs.

When we removed a portion of our lawn in 2020. We did this on both sides of our driveway.

These are the plants we put in to replace the lawn. We have mountain mint, butterfly weed, bergamot, boneset, pearly everlasting... and many more.
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I have a new website! It's not quite ready yet. I expect to be done with it around July 9th since I'll be finished tweaking it sooner than I thought. I originally planned for maybe the first of August but things are coming together quickly so I'll announce when I have all the soaps uploaded to the site so people can check it out. For now I'll have bath bombs, cold processed soap, and knitted wash cloths. In autumn expect to see more fun things. 🙂

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July 1, 2023

Our family has wanted to visit a lavender farm for years but we've been unable to make a trip out to Washington state where they have the nations most beautiful lavender farms. We found one place in Wisconsin that grows lavender and allows visits but it is a five hour drive there, a ferry ride to an island, then a five hour drive back and I like to bring my granddog everywhere with us and they aren't dog friendly 😭 

This year while checking out Instagram I came across a post by a farmer just 10 miles from my house. She has a new lavender farm called Lavender Barnyard so I quickly signed us all up for some lavender picking and we headed over there. She's in the early stages of developing her business but she still had a good variety of lavenders to pick from and she has a great little gift shop. The owner is super nice and she shared her plans for expanding in the future, which we really look forward to because we'd like to make multiple visits each year. Following are some of the pictures we took from our first visit. 

We currently have the lavender hang drying in the living room and the whole area smells amazing!!

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June 3, 2023

One of my most popular soaps is strawberries in champagne. This bar is larger than the usual to accommodate the strawberry embed, it weighs between 5-6 ounces so this one will last quite a while. I'll have this batch on hand at the Northfield Riverwalk Market Fair on June 10th so if you are around stop by and take a sniff 🍓

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May 31, 2023

We use to drive down to Mankato every year to see the bison herd but now the animals are much closer. Spring Lake Park Reserve has a small herd right now but there are plans to increase that number up to 500. This year a few babies were born so they are slowly working on that goal. It was wonderful to see them out there basking in the sun with their babies. 

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