April 2, 2011

I anxiously waited for my bees to emerge today. I knew they were alive a few days ago but hadn't checked since. It is a 50 degree day so the girls came out to play. Um.... no, not really. I forgot what they do when they first come out after being stuck inside for a long time so I did a very dumb thing........ I stood under a cloud of bees to take pictures and for a moment I thought it was sprinkling but oh no, those weren't sprinkles, I was actually being pooped on. I was being bombed left and right. Once the reality set in I made a mad dash for the house. Anyone ever try running in water logged clay soil??? Yeah, you know how that turned out. Good thing I had boots, sweatshirt and jeans on. Too bad I had my sleeves pulled up :( but... I am happy the bees made it through winter without any mite treatment last fall.

Jared said...

Maybe it is good luck, like being pooped on by a bird!

Amy W said...

So that's what bee poop looks like! LOL!

Ambra said...

Oh, how funny that they do that!

Michelle said...

Jared, I like that :) Would it be wrong of me to invite a bunch of people over, have them stand by the hive and tell them "don't move because good luck is about to strike." Lol!

Amy, good thing it is odor free. Lol!

Ambra, it is one of those things I usually don't think about them doing until they are doing it on me. Lol!

Teresa Robeson said...

Oh, dear, I LOL @ you, M...sorry!! And ewww too. ;D Glad to see your girls are ok and happy to be out.

Anne-Marie said...

Pooped on by bees?! LOL That's a new one ;)